
Friday, 17 February 2017

Tabloids Term 1

Sunipa, "My favorite was doing connect 3 with Mrs Riley".
Satui, "I enjoyed playing throws into the bucket".
Texas, "I liked doing limbo with Mrs Raj".

Duffy Play

Militina, "I really like how Duffy became a super hero".
Kymani, " I loved how Duffy helped Global girl learn to read".
Halasika, "I liked watching the experiment'.

Monday, 13 February 2017

Welcome to 2017 whanau.  I am super excited to be in room 7 teaching year 4 students.  This year our tamariki will be working with chrome books.  2017 will be an exciting year for digital learning with the Library also getting a makeover by changing into an automated system. 
Remember whanau learning does not stop at 2.45pm when the bell rings.  I encourage parents and caregivers to actively get involved with their child’s learning.  Together we can lift student achievement and help our children to “become better than before."