
Monday, 27 June 2016

Samoan Singing 

This week we have been doing Samoan singing.  We did it with Mrs Fulu.  
My favourite song we did was Sevi Mi because we get to dance and move around.  
Samoan singing is fun because we learn a different language.

By Limiteti Year 4

Tuesday, 7 June 2016

Oral Language

 Madisyn sharing about her wonderful whanau during ‘show and tell’.

It is important for our students to talk and share their thoughts clearly.  In room 6 we do ‘show and tell’ where students get a chance to talk about a special item they have brought from home.  Not only does this encourage talk but it can also teach them confidence.  In addition every morning Room 6 has oral language whereby they to talk to each other and share their ideas and experiences.
I encourage parents to actively communicate with their children keeping in mind we want to improve their oral language skills.  We can promote talk around the dinner table and during social outings such as shopping.  As a rule of thumb family members should ask open ended questions followed by actively listening.  Something as simple as encouraging talk can improve our children’s learning.Example of open-ended questions begin with the following words: why, how, what, describe..., or what do you think about...

Friday, 3 June 2016

Buddy Reading 

Room 6 has been paired up with Room 1 for buddy reading.   Here we see Lea and Dayton being tuakana (older students)  towards I’ola  their teina (younger student) who is reading superbly.